A Collaborative Effort

Advent Anglican doesn't rest on the shoulders of any one individual. We all have a place of belonging and service here.

Oversight and pastoral care for our clergy is the responsibility of our bishop Bp. Ken Ross. Local spiritual leadership is the duty of the rector Fr. Aaron Burt.

Our staff includes: Director of Staff and Operations, Robin Lemke; Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah Webster; Pastor of Families and Children, Dcn. Ben Acone; Director of Parish Life and Outreach, Angel Burns; Children’s Coordinators, Kathryn Watkins and Sarah Pettit; Music Coordinator, Emily Hendrix; and Operations Assistant, Megan Lorance.

A group of elected lay leaders, called a vestry, works with the rector to tend to the financial and tangible needs of the parish while also providing the rector with wise counsel.

We also have many dedicated volunteers who help make Advent what it is, and our team of deacons and clergy including Fr. Kevin Burns, Dcn. Rob Sorensen, and Fr. Bruce Waltke.

The Role of the Clergy

The role of the clergy is to lead by serving. Jesus set the tone when he washed his disciples' feet and then gave up his life. The job of the clergy is not to direct attention to themselves, but to point the people continually toward Christ. He is our true leader and, graciously, our greatest servant.

The Pastoral Team

Click on any picture below to enter into a gallery mode, which includes bios of each staff member.